May 21-23 2012

Monday, May 21
09:00-09:30  Registration
09:30-10:00  Welcome and Opening Remarks
10:00-11:30  Plenary Session I on Theme 1
11:30-12:00  Coffee Break
12:00-13:30  Parallel Sessions I on Theme 1
13:30-14:30  Lunch
14.30-14:45  Group Photograph
14:45-15:45  Plenary Session II on Theme 2
15:45-16:45  Coffee Break
16:45-18:15  Parallel Sessions II on Theme 2
19:00-20:00  Concert
20:00  Welcome Cocktail

Tuesday, May 22
09:30-11:00  Plenary Session III
11:00-11:30  Coffee Break
11:30-12:30  Conclusions of the Parallel Sessions
12:30-13:30  Closing Session
13:30-14:30  Lunch
14:30-18:00  Sub-Conference of World Women Presidents' Forum
(to be confirmed by the organization of World Women Presidents' Forum)
20:00  Gala Dinner

Wednesday, 23 May
  Excursion/Princes' Islands-Istanbul